full name elenore rose van coup professional name ellie vancoup date of birth + age september 15th, 1991 + 26 hometown bel air, los angeles, ca currently resides venice beach, los angeles, ca relationship status infinity occupation actress

 and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

elenore van coup, goes by el or ellie, was brought into the world on march 15th, 1991 in bel air california, the youngest and final van coup child. proceeded by two older brothers and an older sister, all three of whom ellie has been close to since birth.

her father, arthur, was an up and coming real estate from nashville was came to the area upon the start of his ucla attendance. her mother gladys, the granddaughter to a hotel chain founder was born and raised new york city, moved with her best friend to los angeles to live on their own and experience life. mr. and mrs. van coup currently oversee wright holdings, inc, a multinational hospitality company.

a family friend who worked as a casting director convinced elle's parents to let her audition for a new disney channel show after watching elle grow up, constantly put on shows for anyone that would watch and insisting that each should have a song and dance accompanying it.

even though she loved and enjoyed her disney experience, she considers it one of the more stressful period of her life. was ecstatic the moment her contract ended and she was able to go off to college and finally breathe without someone watching over her shoulder in what felt like forever.

attended nyu to study art history and classics / creative writing before dropping out in her junior year after deciding to audition for a role once again. though she continues to take roles, it is still unsure what direction she ultimately wants to take her life.


solo: star wars story (2018) qi'ra the seagull (2018) nina zarechnaya rebel in the rye (2017) oona o'neill professor marston and the wonder women (2017) olive bryne equals (2015) nia birdman (or the unexpected virtue of ignorance) (2014) sam thomson still alive (2014) lydia howland hannah montana: the movie (2009) miley stewart / hannah montana hannah montana (2006-2011) miley stewart / hannah montana
hannah montana forever (2010) hannah montana 3 (2009) hannah montana: the movie (2009) best of both worlds concert (2008) hits remixed (2008) hannah montana 2: non-stop dance party (2008) hannah montana 2: meet ellie (2007) hannah montana (2006)